Friday, May 13, 2011

White-washed Mansions

There lies richness, glory in your eyes, hey mortal being
There lies happiness, blessing in your eyes, hey wicked being
There lies solace, comfort of life in your eyes, hey stupid being
There lies holiness, immortality in your eyes, hey illitrate being.

Are those drop-dead mansions making you sad?
Are they making you think, you are demeaned on earth?
Your thoughts, if so, are foolish to be mended.
There, you will never find any glory, as your persective.

In those uninviting huts, you search that real being.
There, on the dirty floor you will find, the real being.
Never, in mansions you will find His real presence,
Be happy, thus, you are not in white-washed mansions..!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rented tombs

Your name shall be extinct with the day
You are poor, it must be faded.
Those people spent their tears much..
But, in vain, it shall not keep his memory!

They have no richness, but tears much.
Fools! they won't save his memory here.
He can rest their a year, then his bones will be thrown away.
And those tears-rich fools find no traces in churchyard.

They shall then find huge, well decorated tombs around.
To tease at their poverty-eaten one year tombs.
Idiots! why do they worry in not being that tomb?
But they should be happy in the stay with Him in glory..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A fallen leaf

Staring into darkness, a useless pursuit known,
Stil thou are giving solace, from the obscure solitude.
There thou are fallen at the threshold of time
Helpless, but the traces of pride still on thy face clear.

There shone once with accolade, but a waste thou never knew!
To be trampled upon with now, never thou liked to be.
But to allow them, tolerate them; thou are destined!
Its His work; no one dares to alter a little!

Heights allured thou life; colours cheered thy spirits a lot,
Those falls of thou-like many delighted thou ever until thou fell!
There thou failed that moment, never knew its inevitable to all,
Here thou hav fallen helplessly, to be entombed by all shortly!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Lark

Time orphaned me, thou to soar away,
Thou twittering and hopping, in alien dreams fully.
These rented room's windows might knw my ways,
If only they speak, might have told thou my tales.!

I can hear thou like many in close woods,
But sweeter thou songs, but thou away from my eyes
I am afraid to be close, thou might go away,
That I may be forbidden to thy sweet songs even!.

Thou have countles tales to tel me, I know,
But the hopless knaves trouble thou constantly.
Don't be saddened my lark, thou hav no reason to be...
Oneday, I'll opem these exit and casement to meet you...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good bye

He had left me before i undrstood he was leaving me.I did not want it to be happened. What might have felt for him? There are no moments to regret about what had occured. I was a hapless lunatic then.
I found the day bidding goodbye to make me fail forever. There is much to do but my mind doesn't let me. Its meeting the depth of blue.
You will not ever like me. I am dead in your innate being eventhough you might hold a smile whenever you meet me. Howevr, I am not disappointed. There will be bright days of spring!. I wish it to come soon to bless me with lovely days.. Stil, I can desire only!...


I look behind, just to find him walk away,
A hapless lunatic demon incarcerate my soul hard.
Choking me with felony as ever to worry.
That oozing bruise tease my feeling wild.

Fame is never an yellow leaf to vanish with the Fall,
Cried he, to brave my hideous pride.
Here I am with your memories with a lull,
To be freaky, with the chariot ride.

These footsteps, never to last in this seashore,
That little mind to pain a lot but I am helpless.
My regrets, never make a sense or any favour,
If only those waves verbalize my anguish to the horizon!


Thou shall ever touch that tomb once?
Never thou may, it lays obscure ever.
There, to breath hard for angels but in vain,
When the clouds appear from tangled dirge.

Weep no more, to blush the nymphs,
Shaggy they are, to shade me ever
Fondly with copses and lays!
To relish peace to my sable shroud.

Younder, moping owls frighten my dreams,
Lea fed the lowing herd, to solace me.
I hear the knell of another passing day,
Beneath heaven, so large was his bounty!

Thou happened to pass once hard by,
Smiling as in scorn, muttering wayward fancies.
The wonted fires resigned the sepulchre far behind,
Nevertheless, there to be born summer dreams...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


To me, thou shalt ever be so?
To make feel those miracles ever..!
I knw, I crave illimitable bounty,
For, I hav been destined to be so.

I dreamt ever, thou never ever,
No reason, thou found, my greed to be counted.
Nevertheless, she took me to the heavens,
To make me feel thy beauty some moments.

Since time began, somebody set the plot to doom me,
My fate, in thy hands an ineraseable word.
Courage, to me an alien word ever,
To change a little, inconceivable, so to live an orphan..